Friday, July 30, 2010

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2010 T-5 to 40k in 2010

Yes it is getting serious now.

5 days still scrambling then called on Wednesday on the plane .... :-)
There is little there to do. How magnetize as 2 Falcons, see my German Code, even though I already packed before the English I ^ ^.
the Codex Space Wolves begin to auswenidg ^ ^
learn Sorry, we have in the club with only a player of George not able to play many of the lesser-known units.

The ETC is moderately busy team very well although I would prefer a complete Europe. I once fed a map of Europe (all in red plays with)

24 teams are expected suburb. 23 from Europe and the USA where I'm most looking forward to see how they fight because the lists out for totally useless and funny * hehe * But perhaps behind each of these lists have a "master plan" I have not yet discovered only gg * * The team

preparations are almost complete :-) Solution built seedings almost done, collecting lists of registered and army lists :-) For the players are already mapped with Clarifications and timing done ^ ^ Now it has to only those who read * lol *

Some said "Why do we go with a knife to the gunfight" (army lists related) I think on a ranking list where one is the worst and 5 being the best of our lists somewhere 4 to 5 We did not hide the hardest AL team combined, but we need not safe with God. The team is stronger it is needed at this point but suffice it disskutieren once a misfire of such a team as can happen :-) Interesting

as I noticed in the seedings so many army is set up as counter-actually a set list from many a team * rofl *: P
I only hope the effort was worth and then brings something too. If you refuse to die anyway can not do anything, but it should work Paaring FABULOUS ;-)

Even if some have no confidence in our team (known lovingly as the B-team) because either Nobody's how I play that has never been a tournament and finished on the podium, or people are that are rarely found on major tournaments or on the ETC, in a team, we Stroze I think the only way with anticipation and perhaps a cockiness wneig :-) But that's a good thing. While for some's all about winning in the community, I appreciate our team more than "surprise team". Yes, we do not "THE" veterans here as the years before, but that says nothing at all :-) At least in test matches, I was often clear enough to worry ^ ^ gabs surprises every now and again a foot, but no matter .... . An Invader MMN has a pretty good set list. As always, it does not look great, but he has the ability Listen out for the nix to victory :-)

male to be mentioned repeatedly on this blog, 40k is 50% and 50%, a tactic Brunzorgie. And if one of them fails does not mean that one automatically abloost ^ ^

and Invader I think I have a fun group that will take at least to the heart suburb. This is a good thing. I will pay even less than 500 € for a weekend so I will me in my spare time for 4 days at 11 match just annoyed and my cycle of 200 did not come to rest ^ ^

The single tournament in any case a great warmup for me be. I hope I have at least 3 matches in English, so I "on WE will then have easier :-) 2 times a year to speak professionally in English is not conducive for a foreign language :-( :-(

We are indeed now for Friday evening from the German team called, but I do not know. WANT yes, YOU ... ?? Since I have 5 matches intus, a wounded voice and depending stop is also my mood questionable ^ ^ all depends on how I beat me * hehe * other hand, songwriter even matter if I lol 11 or 12 matches in 4 days zocke * *

We will see then.

are the end a little picture like me, our team can see ^ ^

Lg Gregor

Monday, July 26, 2010

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ETC Team Austria is preparing!

the OEMs now checked off mentally and nullified: D
OEMS 2011 is already planning the start, but now it is again next week to fly to Munster and Dröhung me a 40k to go inside: D I

come to me at the moment like a junkie of the key has been given for a pharmacy * lol *

The plan for next week: Monday and Tuesday hackeln

yet. Wednesday morning, pack up and down to Schwechat where hopefully wait a Invader already is. Then from the same relate to Munster, neighborhood, and maybe a little that go cups, assuming the weather is fine and we find a garden where we areas should smoke: P

If the same time going to the following day plan:

Hardcore SINGLE ETC 40K DAY 1 = Thursday

Game 1: 9:30 to 12:00 Seize Ground with 5 counters. Deployment: Dawn of War.
Lunch 12:00 to 12:45
Game 2: 12:45 to 15:15 Capture and Control. Deployment: Pitched battle.
Teatime 3:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Game 3: 16:00 to 18:30 Capture and Control. Deployment: Spearhead.

Hardcore ETC 40K SINGLE DAY 2 = Friday

Game 4: 9:30 to 12:00 Seize Ground with 5 counters. Deployment: Pitched battle
Lunch 12:00 to 12:45
Game 5: 12:45 to 15:15 annihilation. Deployment: Spearhead.

missions so not really great but no matter what extra obs :-) We'll see with the rest of the team on Friday will still be a meeting, since the guys there to come ^ ^ :-) As an English tournament is at the highest level I hope to a place like the OEMs in the midfield * :-) But I am already happy if I am not the last lol * The single tournament only a "warm up" for me :-) Although lists of nasty SC `s will give * * lol WHY allows the individual ETC ETC and the team does not know I do not even * hehe *

Hardcore TEAM ETC 40K Day 3 = Saturday

Well, since early in the mean time, 2-3 Bradosol as the voice throw is sure to yield even slowly *
g * Then right back to the tables * lol *

8:00 to 8:30 Registration <-VIELE Zigaretten rauchen und nochmal RedBull trinken :D 08.30 - 09.00 Captains Council * <--- Siehe Registration :P
09:00 to 12:30 Round1 Mission: Seize Ground with 5 counters. Deployment: Dawn of War. 12:30 to 13:00 Lunch
13:00 to 16:30 Round2 Mission: Capture and Control. Deployment: Pitched battle.
16:30 to 17:00 Break
17:00 to 20:30 Round3 Mission: Annihilation. Deployment: Spearhead.

Hardcore TEAM ETC 40K DAY 4 = Sunday

09:00 to 12:30 Round4 Mission: Capture and Control. Deployment: Dawn of War.
12:30 to 13:00 Lunch
13:00 to 16:30 Round5 Mission: Seize Ground with 5 counters. Deployment: Spearhead.
16:30 to 17:00 Break
17:00 to 20:30 Round6 Mission: Annihilation. Deployment: Pitched battle.
20:30 Awards ceremony on Monday

sleep is then called a bit, back to Vienna and relax when does it ^ ^ Tuesday I may indeed be set for lunch in the car and drive to Innsbruck ^ ^ This is a joke.

Oh, and WHO is really Austria ETC Team 2010?

Since we have the following gentlemen.

Allen advance our captain (also called
Imps ) D Jasokuuhl the Master Cheater with his paper elm Maxerln
: Firstruleoffightclub with Wolves
fun: P Invader with
Bloody Flügerln Arathorn with his Hütchenspieler Tau .
Archon with hot air Dark Eldar
Ashiquor with his "You're here and now are gone," chaotic should get
Tom0184 with his "Haudraufwienix" Orcs ^ ^

And my a the now called "service of last resort". With nasty asparagus Eldar rabble.
Yeah, if George would not need so great .... : D But I'll do what I can and sell me more expensive had it: D

Now I am still working on the next day with a lot of country portfolios and the respective lists in it .....

Lg Wintics

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

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OEMS 2010 photos!

Well, a couple of days have passed and the final evaluation of the images is finished ^ ^

Of the 900 pictures are of course only a small sample ^ ^

incl Comments Here we go I just can not resist me: D

slowly fills the room!

Austria BEST CHEATER could not be missed :-)

Also visit from Germany found itself again :-)

Registration Station!

As a budding reporter must be able to endure heat and also the men Maxerln slide for 2 days * hehe * You took it with humor ^ ^

Our Dr. and Profisioneller tournament opening speaker :-)

Yes it was HOT!

I have also really liked :-)

Best Painted, and rightly so!

Nasty Imp scum: D

of FM4 Conny in Action :-) "And as you are satisfied with the overall situation?" : D

10:00 AM and the cooking hut ^ ^

Sees to and learn: D

demons in action.

* hehe * No words

Whether Martin on the night of result slips dreaming? We will never ^ ^

know No matter how much is drunk, it's ENOUGH :-)

Markus THE HERO of the OEMs 2010, I do not know if we get it out without him had, and this is no joke .....

Conny the record "that we should not send more, nothing but half-naked Men with dice to throw themselves ....."

also one of our helpers VERY important especially on Sunday, our Xun * g * Without him we would probably have been only around 23.00 Tousignant :-)

Without Chuck Norris of course, is nothingness: D

Playing Judge and rip out of our German neighbors as Frank :-)

A slightly burnt the organization ;-) but still in a good mood is

One rejoices because ERS.! D. .....

.... the other is close to tears * sniff * It's sooo horrible * gg *

Please go guys, could not do something in the club? : P

The escape route must be guarded a professional before it is gone: P

forecast to weep and then SUPERLOGOT! : D

image search! : D

Here, the Army Winning in the category "Best Painted"

ceremony All! managed to fix and all * hehe * But why?

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OEMS 2010 Match 1 or "Yes, of course, but it spins ..: D"

It was very early already suburb befütterte the list and chatted with the guests one hour prior to the application. Who can have a pointer of terrorresieren * lol *

A Sweaty but motivated crew awaits the final applications and is curious how many actually come. The surprise is very great as we had a full house with 50 of maximum 50 players * gg * MADNESS!!

People are pleased with the location and the mood is bombastic, though some were crying behavior after we mentioned that we do not have air and a the hot first day of the year ...

matter: D First Paaring takes place and it's getting butchered * gg *

For me it goes against

opponents: Philip
Eldar Army (Yeah, 3 Eldar players throughout the tournament and I get a feed in the Mirror)
Mission: table quarter with spearhead.

His army is a purely fun list without something grayish. It could not be fluffy, but it also completely value-free tournament :-( No stones or fields at the sliders, no Potente troops in the things inside, no fire support etc etc :-(
Therefore, a very quick and deadly match for him. He took it with Humor and alcohol * g *
After 5 rounds of his suffering to an end and I have a 36:4 or something.

Dangerous tournament starts. Every time I had such a rough start I got on the mouth in R2 Obs :-) this time will be the case?

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OEMS 2010 Match 2 or "Orcs Orcs Orcs Orcs ....."

dust After the Eldar in R1 I got a wneig fear ..... Top 10 after a match and of course a heavyweight after another to find there.

Fortuna War Hold me (I thought here) and he gave me.

opponent: Anderas Winkler
Army: Orcs
Mission: 1 Marker
up slugfest
Round litter and Klau Ini goes in the pants.

He played a good gemixxte Ork army with Mek Krfatfled and small clusters as Sch ... and Wahgbossbikern.
often read the Lord but never at the table :-) experienced

match was better as a whole from the beginning for him. If only because he could throw Decker gifted with the force field. 4 Melter to hit with short .... SAVE ALL * g * Council has sold a little expensive but he died in spite of the friendly fire spinner ^ ^
He has shaken the spinners well and my größetr advantage whistle went by. Finally, he follows the marker müllte with vehicles and to the Biks not even able to help a tank shock ^ ^
Thus, with a victory for him 36:4 or 38:2 or so.

Fair and pleasant opponent :-)