Friday, December 31, 2010

Real Boob Fake Difference


my loved ones. ♥ I consider myself short a Happy New Year 2011 I wish you.

Let it rip, celebrating with friends and / or the family. Watch out for idiots who do not know where to shoot it and let you go well. I hit you. ^___^

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dominoes - Chicken Foot

eleven test products (Preview)

The team of eleven o'clock
Cosmetics was so kind to send me a few products to test. Many, many thanks again to this point!
:) What's in it, which I have made, if necessary swatches (it is said, is not it), I'll do yet?. If yes, finally, New Year's Eve at the door. >

.'ve LOOK Haha, I get nothing. P ". * Laughs * Since
be quiet honest! As always even. :) So, and now is finally watched Hangover.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Visit Day In Rikers Island?

Wednesdays Hewn and other news of the day :-)

was once again on Wednesday and after the last positive experiences with my Mech Eldarn had a real Challenge ago :-) So I reported to George and his (surprise) Standard Space Marines.

We played three markers in spearhead.
I took my first train and build my bunker in the corner so I stay pretty invulnerable to his Scouts the flanks. He is as close Termier it goes with me with Shriek or whatever the bird is called ^ ^
LR's and Pred keep his marker.

high and low lights of the match.
Termier Shriek with race in R 3 of them (3 men losses, it was SOOO TERRIBLE), Scouts Spanking by hunters are after Banshees and cyclists are incapable. In Round 1, he shoots me like a serpent down times * * Gruml Scouts, obviously knocked out the Falcon with 7 grenades though I moved 7 ":-( Council had to be shot down, and after my HQ's heroes are dying People walk in front of the cheap :-) My Jetbike
break after 5 rounds of automatic fire in the extension of the Pred :-) today's competitive spinner goes with minimal effort in extra time down even more.

Result in R5 would have been a loose because I give a damn speeder have ignored ^ ^ But we roll R6 where I can secure a draw ^ ^ Then the game ends with a fairly balanced SP Statistics ..... Alibi's sake, I wanted to know had been looking in R7 and there would be a Loose the results was been :-( But anyway: D It was officially only 6 and Draw is hard for my OK list ;-) Especially where George's and LK 6 had 2 MK's with out the bulk of which was synced. And 10 Sturmtermies with shield are also not without .....

Then it was said still to pack my Flames of War Army would I need the locker for Eldar stuff ^ ^ Current locker situation is not great and not practical, rather dangerous for my models: - /

And finally a picture of my 2 € painter ^ ^ hats he sent me yesterday and I must say that I AM DELIGHTED hard!! See for yourself ....

I guess this will look like in Natura genaus cool ^ ^ but I can see it next week when they arrive ^ ^

So that's again :-)

Man reads.

Lg Gregor

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Knickers For Older Ladies


yes after yes NoMoWalking is important, I'm not too much different here :-)

But today I find little time :-)

So what is it so new for me? PLENTY OF ELDAR ^ ^: D projects are all in sync to be addressed at the moment .....

4 Serpents for my new Eldar army have been ordered and should arrive soon. Then there to tinker again which, additionally to my 3 Falcons ...
also have a bunch of stuff to be magnetized, 9 WarWalker, 4 + Phantom Lords
etc. Then I would also ask my still remaining Eldar * hehe * Jan and George

:-) I have got myself a German painter with really good prices laughed at. If the test Minis match which he received yesterday, he has a 10,000 point contract for at least 1 year and won ^ ^ real cool man: D has even agreed at no extra cost with the Walker / Lord of building together and all tin small parts in the course of to assemble painting ^ ^ very nice! :-)

The whole tin stuff would be ready now discolored and even in deposits ready made :-) Aporpos discolor. The plastic stuff is now 3 months in the brake fluid and the result of a DISASTER Gruml * * I do not understand why so many swear by it .... Have picked on Sunday with 3 different models painted out and a half hour for a miserable results of various ....
:-( The problem is that the brake fluid only the top layer has achieved really good ... but what is the one at an average of 3 layers? Put in 3 times? Bissle too much trouble. I now have Fabian's old plan, conceived with the Sterillium .'ve already checked as 2 liters. Let's see if this really so much better.
Have been a few other tests ergoogled who thought the load after 1-2 hours, the super should go down as Nitro on tin :-) So we can again look forward :-) Result

Otherwise, there are not too much to report :-) The next two tournaments are already booked . First, the Wiener championships come on 27en November. Could be fun because it was completely written out bemalpflicht without limits and without.
Higlight in January is definitely the Ratisbona in Regensburg. 2000 points is unlimited once an announcement ^ ^ just does not know what to play. Mixed? Guards storm or Mechanical ...
Will probably be a very spontaneous decision.

That's first come soon :-) Maybe then the decolorization Report or to ^ ^

Lg Gregor

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Best Dslr For Travel And Backpacking

News ....

Hey people.

is more of a direct mail but still interesting to the reader from here :-) On NoMoWalking over themselves at the moment Dark Eldar news :-) The week will be at least an update to a different but attractive theme :-)

Oh, yesterday I was in the club hit me with a little Regensburg Werner rules :-)

Was just fun and relaxing game, which he won thanks to my bottom line is greed 13:7 :-) Mutually we have good 1000 points killed. My mouse Mick troops are paying properly, and the 8 sliders I've lost only 2 Seprnts ^ ^

Lg and reading to continue NoMoWalking :-)


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Party Titles Birthday

tournament debriefing

Yeah, two weeks ago in the wars again as far as WoW. Though it was only 6 spot but brave warriors who had it more than in the :-)

Werner with Marines
George Martin with fun
wolves with blood Engerln
with Tom Tyras
with Fabian and I with Eldar Eldar
... ..

Thus more of a slaughter-house ETC * lol * So go

wirs quickly :-) goods rather uneventful match :-)

first match
against Werner in Kill Points.
was by far the funniest match for ages :-) We actually skin acts without large seen on Kill Points, Hucke full :-) He still wins :-) highlights was to kill 9 of 10 in record time without making major Termier Damage (off-beat down a Serpent), and his lame thanks to the LR Spinner sets ^ ^ So a smooth
30:10 for him and all is well ^ ^

2nd Match
against Fabian and truly beautiful new Eldar which he allowed himself to paint by a professional in Pinsler D.
mission was 3 markers. He can not do me too much and I told him not, I Brunz him not getting the Prophet and Harlie ,.... but it still only 28:12 for me, is ... or was it but a 26:14? Well
funniest was wiedermal GW rule. Think about KL to al owners what options you have when GE is shocking tank: P No matter what one does, one is there in the Ar ... :-)

Match 3,
Arathorn against BA's .... After a really hard mission gemetzel over 6 laps I was able to save a draw in his favor with a stunt ... but no matter Saved :-) is saved: P bitterest pill for him was a squad of 10 with FNP be made in a round ... Spinner was saying thanks to Doom, of course ^ ^

Do I'm very happy with my list / was .... also this time the plan was behind the list :-) The list is indeed usually a car with Kill Points Loose but is fun and at 5 Missions tournaments I can live with a loose :-)

now briefly to something completely different :-)

There is a new community blog, and indeed from the Austrian Fabian spring :-) I fantasized udn already like this forever, but now I have found the time for it :-)

So enjoy yourselves here now :-)

My blog will continue to exist and out, but more on private basis without any tournament player feedback :-)

In this sense I wish you a lot of fun.

Lg Gregor

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shirt For Dark Gray Suit

have since MEN OF IT!

After the last weekend so went extremely well with my mechanized Eldarn ..... I trace it right again into the same field :-)

army list is now so well known and the plan is not a secret look more ^ ^ how the list plays against our veterans do so :-)
It is called "pay close attention "in the movement and consider whether and 3 times what is being played from the reserve :-)

Eldar tanks are not the Übergepanzerte power, but it can be annoying :-) Especially thanks contents are not just uninteresting.

Lg and maybe if I'm not too frustrated, gives an update next week :-)


Monday, September 6, 2010

What Does Coke On Your Gums Do

STMS 2010 Short summary

Hi guys :-)

On WE were so Styrian Championships and Werner and I Were played by the WoW group representation there ^ ^

were 5 matches with a few experimental mission which additionally drew ^ ^

Geiler was all the way to a castle on the 4th floor with a fantastic view :-) Flair was priceless and it should be there again next year I'm back again Fix if time permits.

Now to my list :-) army is known but the equipment was secret ^ ^
So here's the WHOLE truth ^ ^

energy weapon:
Fusion Whip:

runes Prophet
favor fate d. : d. providing
Soul Stone:

3x rune readers
1x flames of anger:
1x Stähl.Entschloss.
1x Khaine's blessing
1x Serpent (Shurikenkanone + stone)

1x5 2x3 Jetbike
Asuryan Hunter (1x Shurikenkanone)

5 Banshees
2x5 Fire Dragon (2x Dragon Fire + 2x sniper)
3x Serpent (3x Shurikenkanone + 3x stone)

Falcon (Shurikenkanone + Stone + field)
2x Night Spinner (2x Stone + 2x Holofeld)


The "trick" behind the Army being considered as the set list for the ETC (see my point but only to) :-)

with 3 elite squads all armor ignore the terminal turn deter and, if they are careless handling :-) Ditto good sweeper of easily isolated enemy units :-) Thanks for the flyer I can not build a wall and "isolate" as
The Autarch help me if I made the Reserve must play out. He is also is equipped with equipment to supplement with banshees, dragons, or the Council, just depending on the enemy ^ ^

The standard weak, but I have to think only of a marker umkämpfen and the rest ;-)

slow the spinner, subjects and force them to bring it often enough to have a little something and also pinned ;-)
dragon with flames are meant for light infantry in the Cover cowards sitting around :-) Prophet has fewer rounds with his advice, a job that he should stop only at times where PSIN and should be driven to a careless handling or a short Monsetr out alone from around hirschen beat * hehe * Doom of course, the whole :-) from

Now to my games :-)

Match 1: Against Martin Maescht "Buchegger with demons
His Army: 2 chief demons of Khorne geflügelt.2x15, 1x30 Horrors, 1x3 Screamer, 2x Seuchies. Amazing amount of standard .....
Mission: 3 marker
up: slugfest
I start and close my entire statement for its shock orgy ^ ^ short game demolition; He can do me nothing Sogut wood I consistently him to the army club. Besides the 2 guardian squads disease and a thickness of nothing is, I submit only the Autarch and even dragons.
marker victory: 2:1 for me
Summary: Nice opponent, unfortunately clueless as it plays only since February. Therefore, many errors are simply the broken neck .....

Match 2: Against Patrick "Zerxes" with Pompe Tau
His army: 2x3 crisis Rak / Pla and a chef, 1x3 Colossi, 2 scouts (5 and 6) with the Rays, a hammerhead shark, even 20 Kroot, 2x12 Krieger .
Mission: Raise the flag
up: reserve (the whole army enters the field after the Reserve special rule) WTF! : P (I'm glad about my Autarch ^ ^
mission goal of this game is to occupy the most terrain features.
If a standard unit reached a terrain feature, it can 'fly flag "in the melee phase, and thus occupy the terrain piece.
The flag will remain there until an enemy unit until the terrain piece.

He infiltrated with the Kroot and hoist the flag in MY list mmmhh * * He knew my army, and has read them, the flames did not care .... :-)
I start and half the army comes in not only the spinner (Glücksbaerli :-)) I had 2 burners incense inside I get out 14 of the Kroot. With him come the scouts, once a warrior and the giants. Me not much happens here except the lame Falcon next to a flag * gg *.
I do everything on one card and boost with the Serpents 5 stripes "in front of his army across the entire width .... The spinners spin up a scout troop and bring total 6. He creates, unfortunately only a Serpent to get down with the Banshees , save the women I like clean and by subsequent bombardment of the warriors fall to just 3 .....
I divide him a lot ..... Both Scout, giants, Kroot, a ray, crisis were unfortunately unbreakable stood the Autarch heroic 3 rounds almost alone in a crisis group until it went ex
:-) Sorry, I leave myself in a R5 6e (ERROR) thus threw only one draw, greed would not have been so great, would have been a victory inside.
As it was, only one for me :-) 22:18
summary, a great opponent who, though "almost" good army but did not know what to do all that :-( dew spread over 72 ", differentiated closely with Kroot 3 burners and 2 spinners ONLY ,.... a drone in crisis / colossi ....

Match 3. counterpart Andreas "ULTRAMAR" Winkler
Orcs with his army, 2x20 Balla guys Garbot 1x3, 2 Kampfpanza, 14 Lootas, 7-8 Waahgbossbiker, 1x3 KillaKans and BigMek
mission. Kill Points at forefront ..... A Match Made for me :-) He has no weapons except Lootas who do can hurt me :-)
I begin and paste me in behind a building in a corner. He offensive but still well away 30-35.'s Plan here on :-) The Spinner brakes 5 laps and the Waahbosse off in 2 rounds Lootas. The Serpents shall bein hard with the 2 tanks S6 Shuri lame :-) But at the end of the repair again Gruml * * Unfortunately, he does like the OEMs like hell all :-) But anyway, over 5 rounds, the game ends 1:1 because he killed my Jetbike with the bikers ...
a 20 : 20 So in my favor by 80 points or so * lol *
Summary: Revenge of the OEMs: D In any other mission, he had directed towards me but at Kill Points :-) With the OEMs he had launched a mission against. me :-). Andreas nice and thoughtful as always :-) :-)
fair bargain from
After an excellent buffet dinner and a coherent end of the day goes in a super quiet and comfortable inn for kip .....

Match 4: Comparison Markus "Graf_M_v_T" Tilli with BA's
YEARS it took me that we are once again at the table :-)
His army, with 6 TKlern LR, TK Bot, 8 Sturmtermies with priests and Scriptor, Pod 10 Tactical, Baal, Pred, 2 tracks with 2x5 Storm Troopers ...
mission: to conquer the enemy list. Each unit is one of first Standard 2 points
report; diagonal with 12 "spacing
I am giving him the preparation for my master plan * lol *. He is right in the offensive half of the table on, I keep everything in reserve. Game is quite simple, I told him rush by the ears from the reserve and edit the Termier with the spinners keep it nice and slow, as I him 2 LK's still out of 4 am and his Baal my plane in the tail nothing do I win the match with a commanding lead. We have 5 rounds pelted with cotton wool. He took a spider gun, a sacrificed by me Serpent with dragons and I bring him to the Baal and get exactly half of LR and Pred pos ....
Smooth win for MCIH So 30:10
Summary: Mark, a fine great and humorous opponent knows how to stop it :-) the stupidity of the mission against him was I had no choice because I could not possibly create an exchange of blows can.

interim results, 4 no match defeat, very nice ,.... According to list the date 3rd place
So is it good cheer to the last decisive battle (Top 3 pts were in a 10 segment.)

Match 5: Christopher Against "Grisi" Tafner with NEC
His army: wars 2x10, 2 monos, 3x3 phantoms, 1 on Lord and body regions, 10 Exis and 2 spiders. Phase Out at 9
mission. 5 "stencil in the middle
up fight at dawn
He is only the Lord on the Mittellienie, nothing else I leave everything in R1 concentrated in and put the Lord to the getting up again
brief outline.. of disaster ..... Gaus is largely overrated when you roll with phantoms like hell :-)
The Phantom gets a 3-down in group R2 is a spinner and then in R3. Serpent is ergausst :-) ertompt other again. Falcon lies down the marker shock paralyzed himself and then ergausst etc. .... Yes Fortuna would rather hold him :-) Funnily enough we did we really the first 3-4 rounds hardly anything. As was but to play in R7 ..... Well what can I say :-)
He wins 34:6
Summary: Great opponent of a little nervous threw away because there was so exciting :-) wenns is clear for the first place. He also played quite well :-) Nec cloud

handed bottom line is it just for the 5s place for me.

tournament's definitely recommend :-)

Short Spinner Stats
demons: 24 Khorne Berserker Horrors and 21 killed.
Tau: 8 Scout, 14 warrior and a drone * lol *
Orcs: every 14 Plündara, 3 and 1 Balaboys LP drawn plus the bosses chugged five laps, only 12 "^ ^
BA's: clear that he not is so great has only 3 Termier killed and an LP by Scriptor
NECS.. Thanks to early runtergebische only a phantom and an LP of a spider, and a Scarab base ...

Lg Gregor

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Denise Milani Dvd Streaming Online

Well laangsam getting serious .... Because

..... .
After the big battle 9e is successfully behind me (even after 3 days the Weather was crappy), the view goes back to front :-) and that direction Styrian Championships ^ ^

The mission sounds funny, even if I sometimes do not know what to make of it: D such as a deployment zone ala Apocalypse. Flag hoisting etc :-) Sure once something else :-) but if better?? :-) We will see.

as army list is intended ETC seedings test
:-) Here's the list:

Autarch with e-gun and Melter
prophet with a lot of PSI
3 reader as in the wake of hunters in the Serpent Serpent
1x5 2x3
2x5 Dragons in women in the Serpent Serpent
2x 1x Spinner

Highly mobile and nice One Hit Wonders inside. The Standard is scarce but no matter :-) You can not have everything ^ ^ At least this time are units can thereby impress the stupid Termier or FNP Ideoten :-) And the spinner should be able to slow down properly and even bring a pre Kills zam. At least they have proven to the OEMs and in some friendlies they are sly have behind the ears ^ ^

respect me, the 3G network is not there, let you down, there may be a Saturday evening report ^ ^


Monday, August 23, 2010

Why Am I Getting Sores Around My Ringworm?


..... it checks out when Wini see blood and will do what he may want: P

Here is the list for major combat (possibly still expanded * lol *)

HQ: 1794
Avatar = 155 pts
Eldrad Ulthran = 210
Jain Zar - The Quiet Storm (counterstrike + Frenzied Attack + blade + cry) = 190 pts
2x Autarch (bike + Mandiblaster + lance + radiator) = 280 pts
2x Rune Prophet (Verda. + favor + Both runes + Stone + duel) = 410
1x10 runes reader (Determined 3x Flame + 3x + 3x Blessing + 3x spear) = 549

Standard: 1574
3x5 Farstriders = 360 pts
2x10 Asuryan hunter (catapult + storm) = 304 pts
2x20 + 1x15 Guards (3x LL) = 530 pts
2x8 Assault Guards (Flammer) = 152 pts
3x3 Jetbike (Shurikenkanone ) = 228 pts

Elite: 693
1x10 Scorpion Warrior (Scissors + Schleicher) = 197 pts
2x10 Banshees (2x death blade) = 364 pts
1x6 Fire Dragon (Pike + Tank Destroyer) = 132 pts

storm: 424
1x10 Warp Spiders (blade + Blaster + E attack + withdrawal) = 272 pts
1x5 war hawks (spotlight + High Flying + intercept) = 152 pts

Support: 3150
3x Falcon = 495 pts
6x Illum Zar = 960 pts (solar storm Association)
5x Phantom Lord
4x = 775 pts = 440 pts
Serpent 3x Night Spinner = 480 pts Total 7635 points

My god is it nice to play without AOP * Lol *


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bridal Shower Slide Show Music

after me ....

..... time is running out and before everything was already dead, talked about the ETC on blogs and forums, I save myself further here debauchery :-)

much yet, it was awesome and I would not mind to drive again even if it's :-) was more than just efforts to prepare and suburban :-)

Now once everything is dedicated to my great battle, the Styrian Championships and the single WoW :-) In the tournaments I have a minimally modified OEMS list.

From next week there is about me herschleudern so good, therefore spontaneously only the blog entries.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chest Pains After Taking Protein

Thus, Austria, coupled to the ETC ^ ^: D

for some interesting game came about like so many ^ ^

how we have set at the pairing ....
Loose / win is out of our Satdnpunkt Smile
In () is always the self-assessments with our system, everyone did.

1st Round Belarus to begin.

you Eldar Dark Eldar, we Loose 18:2 (+ +) We
BA Dark Eldar, they win 12:8 (-)
you Orks Eldar we win 16:4 (+ +) We
SW chaos they Draw 10:10
you BA's we Imperiale Win 11:9 (+)
We chaos they draw Imperiale 10:10 (-) we
SW Tau Loose 15:5 (-)

Secret (?): SM against our Orcs Win 17:3 (Gabes none)

Round 2 Spain to begin.

SW we Imperiale Loose 16:4 (+) We
BA BA's it's Loose 20:0 (-)
you orcs chaos we Loose 11:9 (+ +) We
SW chaos they loose 11:9
you Eldar Tau we win 16:4 (+)
We Eldar Witch Hunters Loose 14:6 (o)
you Imperiale we Dark Eldar Loose 17:3 (-)

Secret (?): SM against our Orcs Loose 15:5 (+)

Round 3 England we begin. We

BA chaos it Loose 15:5 (-) You
Eldar demons we win 15-5 (+ +)
We Chaos Eldar, you win 17:3 (+) you
Witch Hunters We Tau Loose 18:2 (+) We
SW you SM Loose 15:5
you Imperiale Imperiale we Loose 18:2 (o) We
Dark Eldar Orks Win 17:3 (+)

Secret (?): Tyranids against our Orcs Loose 18:2 (+ +)

Round 4 Russia we begin. We

BA demons she's Loose 13:7 (o)
you Imperiale we win Tau 12:2 (+) We
SW she Chaos Loose 18:2 (?)
you orcs we draw Imperiale 10:10 (+ +)
We Eldar BA's Loose 15:5 (-) You
SM Dark Eldar, we win 20:0 (+ +)
We Orcs Dark Eldar Draw 10:10 (+ +)

Secret: Eldar against our chaos loose 18:2 (+)

Round 5 Northern Ireland, snap at.

you Dark Eldar Tyranids we win 20:0 (+ +) We
BA's to BT's Loose 13:7 (-)
you mess we win 16:4 SW SW
We Imperiale they win 20 (?) : 0 (+ +)
you BA's we win Tau 20:0 (+)
We Orcs win SM 17:3 (o)
you Eldar Chaos we win 15-5 (+)

Secret: Orcs against Eldar our Loose 17:3 (+ +)

Round 6 Belgium we begin. We

BA to Draw SM 10:10 (-)
SW Dark Eldar, we Loose 16:4 (+) We
SW they Eldar Loose 17:3
you Imperiale we win Tau 20:0 (+) (?) We
Orcs Witch Hunters win 16:4 (-) You
Dark Angels we win Chaos Chaos vs. Eldar our trust say Win 17:3 (+)

You have here the fact EVERY either too little or too much: 17:3 (+) We
Imperial Orks Win 20:0 (+)

Secret has put into his army.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Peeing In A Panty Girdle


today without any frills.

Facts Only because I get tired now blogging on 3s all day I hurt and we only finished third at 22.15 were to match


first round against Belarus with a draw overall. 4 wins and 2 draws are not enough for a total win.
2nd round against a surprisingly very, very strong Spaniards refer us with 7 loose in their place.
last round against England:

Loose 107:53
6 losses and 2 wins.
Mission Kill Point is absolutely fürn ass for almost all of our lists :-(
in the early morning you go to Russia or Hungary ... there is still disskutiert.

mood is unbroken good.

horrible news.

USA is in first place with one point lead over Switzerland, Sweden. repulsed
Germany despite alk ban in 12th place and we have to find somewhere to place 20 ....

But day 2 will bring still 3 matches and up to 6 points.
especially put to the Swiss, the surprisingly strong performance of the day.

Lg Wintics

Friday, August 6, 2010

Retractable Fighting Staff

Day III Day II

Friday's it .... and it was a nice day :-) At least, weather permitting * gg *

So here we go with the short summary of the day 2s.
(for Fabian has crept a typographical error on the organization) After a glorious day I and a new round pairings

Mission: 5 markers
up: infighting.
opponent: Martin "Arathorn" Hoffmann
Status: ETC Team Member AUSTRIA
European ranking: 260
Round Throw: He

He plays with Mephiston, 2 Matrizzen and lots Dakka.Kurzabriss of the disaster, he cuts me ONLY with Mephiston and Scripto Bot 11er to the rat, from then there only rearguard action. After going two Falcons also could not I unwinnable. Thanks to his greed, I could but the whole still a little slow from the results.

final result: 1356:648 destruction points for him
Match Points: 17:3 for him

couple pics of the disaster :-)

So thanks to a pissed-off round super pairing (Sorry again Martin you could not help it and have not gepischt I know anyway) we went back to the table ^ ^ wish opponent, was an army with many kill points on the ideals of the table of shit rolls too: P That was at least my WISH ! But Christmas is only just * lol * Alos last round ....

round V.
Mission: Kill Points
up: spearhead.
opponent: Olof "Olof" ester
Status: ETC Team Member WALES
European ranking: Finding No placement ...
Round Throw: He

table itself was a dream. Ruins the view without blocking the end ^ ^. He is building his bunker in and around a ruin in both chambers while I thus put on so he can see no * lol * In round one he can just make up a crisis group to shoot nothing else. Nothing happened. I'll go before and lose the second bit of advice to UAF Lap top I am coerced way in front of his bunker and give every 10 rune readers because I do not create repeatable 3 + saves :-( From then to make only retreat and spasmodic attempts a kill point to the end but what I fail :-( So I lose 1-0 * argl *

final result: 798:169 destruction points for him
Match Points: 17 3 for him

also inform Pics :-)

Here are the pairings of round 4 and 5

Endstatistik of players:

points: 39 (War typographical error on the organization yesterday)

Loose-win draw. Loose

Victory points: 47

points: 47

win-loose-win. Loose

Victory points: 57

Points: 44


Martin: 21
Invader: 41
Tom0184: 45
Wintics: 50
GG: 56

Although not what we hoped for, but we learned a little teams and players and got to know some "insults" are seen on Wochenede useful.
It is 00:40 and I'm fed up: P

ifs time permits I will do it tomorrow again showed us an update shall pass ^ ^ yes we had a team meeting today for 4-5 hours

:-) Good night from Münster


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lulemon Bags Recycled


After a short night (we have kept until 0200 ...): D went with the 5 euro taxi to the scene.

a destroyed Fabian has indeed very little buck, but who drinks across the Gemüsgarten get the bill presented * hehe * But speiben 2 times and all is well! D

short 2 images on the locations:

Now for the match. Motivated and yet a little pensive as I lost to an ESC or ETC, I'm waiting times from the pairing ....

Tour I.
Mission: 5 markers
up: Dawn of War.
opponent: Maurus "Calrissian" Markwalder
Status: ETC Team Members SWITZERLAND
European ranking: 91 circular
Throw: He

I let it all out and he stelt a chimera to centrally to light up around me. Sorry, but by 2 "too short. Once he decided on a flank of the chimeras to set up and the other his bullet shell, I jetted to the Ballerburg I cut. Was actually quite spectacular. 2nd round was the right one he wounded a below-average and I save everything wag. Then songwriter darkness with him. In addition to the chimera I have everything chopped up. 3 marker and I had not he.
final result: 1092:393 destruction points for me
Match Points: 17:3 for me

He's a super nice and great players. As I thought so, "hey really chillig here" real great start in the International tournament field

:-) Here are a few pics .....

Tour II Mission: 2 Marker
up: infighting.
opponent: Nick "Darkwynn" Rose
Status: ETC Team Member USA
European ranking: - (United States is not in the T3 inside) But I say he left a large number with symbol and has to be amused at my list ... * Mad *
round litter: I.

I am aggressive attention to 12 "both chambers. He compared the battle tanks and slightly to the chimeras (FIVE) * argl * In the pictures you see before the gruesome list ^ ^
first lap I booster before with prophets trick . he had to be confirmed by the Judge because he did not believe me I can be in favor Bosst both councils and ^ ^ Good thing, Judge me is right and good thing it ends So my advice hot 8 "in front of his tanks, and in R1: P Him is slightly amiss. A long-shot phase he has fun and kill some out. Then I round round for fun and delete it from almost complete. His marker is clean and my money transfer by the Sch .... Vendetta which I have fought wegbekam. But the infantry I was not going on.

final result: 1427:820 destruction points for me
Match Points: 12:8 for me

opponent was also heavy in order Regelfit was genuine and had VERY VERY much patience with me and my great English art * lol * Since kanpp 1.5 years had no English game more :-( I would often wish those games. Exciting interesting etc. etc. Unfortunately

by a rushing game (he had apparently hurry what bothered me not) is only 1 picture of what is reasonable.

After 2 WIN ** * shock * crisis * angst (what happened here?) I tear slight panic as the air is so thin but now :-( when I put a fenneq see this a 15: 5 or 20:0 for the other out of skin * argl *

..... But it's ok, and I will set up a little bit of Fabian and Invader my private coach ^ ^: D

motviert So back to the pairing. .

Round III
Mission: 2 Marker
list. spearhead
opponents: Philip "Phister" Streckmann
Status: ETC Team Member GERMANY
European ranking: 20
Round Throw: He

Well ER 150 Orks with 9 Kans and Mek. and I am the coward of the day loses confidence in his advice ... But ok. Have the great rat hunt without a boss in 60 and 3 Moaschas Kans, from then there were actually only hit hoes, picks and MORE!! My EPIC FAILS in easily winning this match up.

Epic Fail first I charge out of greed two teams (one must be grounds of me and so everything must cut ahead of me) * argl *
Epic Fail 2nd I think back to the Council for a small round. The attacks would have been VITAL.
Epic Fail 3rd I forget to R5 in favor but no matter what, there was only 3 people from both councils Total lived ....

Highliht were definitely on both sides of his wounds and my right Saves on it .... He wounded on average 25 times and I save with a 24 back: P Rekaord was a single reader of the 15 saves dunk: P But

The player itself. Correct? Yes. Sympathetic? Personally, I actually already in the first moment.

BUT: 3 points have him in a real Sch .... Light moved.

first One of the 30 Marines (as Moschas) a terminal (as Bigmek) and a Mgvdeli (as boss) has played at least forgiving, or at least to be NICE ..... And above all but self-dice rolling and should not be dropped from 5 cm if the hand just a little aufkippt or quickly pulls away.
Instead, I give myself a well-hidden cheat accusation in the cube because I was so good save. Approximate said "Can you even more time to roll the die saven that" Everyone who knows me knows that my cube to cover 20-40 cm at the table. The fact I had 2 cubes übern half lap desk and a double 6 ^ ^. Because I CAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

second If the opponent has to favor forgets and asks nicely (I do) then I expect a simple "No" is about something or a simple "Sorry" Instead, I get an ice cold dirty grin along the lines of "Now is the Council turn" served and a "No".

third If a player of the neighboring table asked if a roll for the next round could, then you should the player who asked not really looking and ignore almost derogatory or accept in silence a dice roll 3 cm and continue to move his 30's mob.

The neighbors and I just looked at us and shrugged their shoulders .... Well ..... Nothing against you when Phister reads this, but I would never voluntarily play for fun or you want to gamble .... wenns always

final result: 1298:792 destruction points for him
Match Points: 11:9 for him.

Here are some quick pics of the disaster ^ ^

Here are the remaining players Stats

points: 42

Loose-win draw.
points: 28

points: 27

points: 38

points: 38

say I have to, we are all together very well on the ranking, but unfortunately no gabs heite placement list.

Oh Wems still interested. From top down the pairing lists the first 3 matches.

Soderle guys in the country, I hope you are at peace for now. Maybe there again tomorrow an update.

Lg and good night.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Protocol Brand Luggage

The arrival ..... ESC ETC

Sun arrived, we were once :-)

flying weather was quite OK. No significant air holes or other Sch ... : D
All 5 are well received: D My luggage was the hit: D Thanks to good estimates of 19.7 kg brought my luggage on the scales * lol *

Oh, and this moment verklickerte Invader me that he has forgotten his stencils: D

to mention what's the matter? The food on Air Berlin is a joke: D 2 BISCUITS * wow * and OR a napkin! WTF!
pizzerias have no work ethic: From 18.30 D are first Happi Pappi. But have a German like a turkey sausage biscuits looks like: P But for good taste :-)

The city offers a lot of bars when traipsing around meaningless than 20 minutes. But this is the price OK. Long Iceland to 3.70. Bull Vodka ..... 2.70 to Etc * WOW *

The room is more than OK for 40 €, although the nice ladies write off, despite some errors in the paint system, and thus the Internet is not it: D But now it funzt yes. But see it by myself .....

Having now the night scene have come to know a little, we are now arrived at home with just under 10 Vodka Bull intus * lol *. I feel the amount of Alk no longer used, nor really do I " ^ ^ not

So, now let's go kip after we NCIS angekuckt have done: D Hopefully not me snoring Hucke the full! : P

now to possibly tomorrow for the first game update!

Lg Wini and Invader

Largest Shark Ever Found

T + 0 - 0 to 40k ETC 2010

day is here :-) x

bags are packed, Laptop, Camera, power supplies, equipment fürn Captain, Army and and and. And most of my passport: -9

20 minutes Schwechat exit direction where I am right time with Invader Meet. This slob. Everything he has the Kas labels for the tickets not. Why do I only smelled the prints I own it * lol *

Now we just need more luck to arrive: D not that we're like that here ^ ^

and of course we need lots of luck with the dice with

:-) That's now time. Maybe there in the evening a report if you should have wifi there really ^ ^

Lg Gregor

PS Have fun you all in our absence. And made no nonsense ^ ^

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blackcherry Hair Color

T-1 to 40k ETC

Because he is so: D The object of desire ^ ^

The guy was in my camera bag. Since I'm only at night when half asleep on it after I got my desolate room * * argl But he's found :-)
My 2
Falcons I have also placed finish in the chaos.

now need only bring more Invader hunters and I am happy and ready :-)

Well that's it again tomorrow at 11 and enjoy a short trip to Schwechat :-)

weather is moderately interesting. Sun but only up to a maximum of 24 degrees. Nights cool down to 11-13 degrees. So I would rather grab my jackerle a * hehe * See you soon :-)


Lg Gregor