Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Long Does It Take To See Syphilis

Me: Then & Now (Part 1 / 3)

topic: baby and childhood photos { devils and angels both }
/ / EDIT

(03.01. ) girls, let yourself be one said, You are really crazy! :):) It's fun when you join in and me "your story" told. ^___^ I'm glad big! And currently 404 readers, wow. : O Oh well, some are from the lottery, but there have not been through sooo many so now also. Thanks a million! :) Your comments I will answer it promised. :> Feel depressed! And makes sure that you do not slip on my trail of slime. . * Laughs * ^ ^
That's in the pictures all the way {I}. None is from Luca. ^ O ^ The resemblance is amazing, right? :)
As the title might guess, I've found a few pictures, which I had more than smile and they took me back to old times. The part is far more normal I would say, but it will still follow or "Solarium + tanning cream are a hit" "Snouts ducks with my 2 € puck Sunglasses images. Laughable, I tell you. ^ O ^ , in a part I will tell you a little about me, what I have experienced what I went through phases of and who knows, maybe

fared just one or the other? Here we go

. I was a spirited
funny at the beginning, but after exhausting after & despair, and somehow, when kindergarten teachers each time anew to my mother approached and told her what I would have this time again not everything made. And sometimes it was really no reason ! A reminder of that time has been fired at me, how could then come down, for example, an education myself up the stairs because she thought I had a boy's nose bleeding beaten. We are in the same moment came in the door and slammed against one another. Well. blood
crying boy
Nicki near
= 100% guilty .

But all this was a reason! I could only express it. The older I became more and more was expected that I even begin my first words to speak, they heard from me just a kind of 'secret language' that no one could understand except my parents. After much running around and zich doctor visits, it became clear that what I had with the ears. I said So what I understand in the least. From Mama was
(derivation of Tina, the former nickname of my mother) pictured or it sets as "Kia, Nicki hiaa" . Had my mother caved in and heard the doctors who said repeatedly
"Oh, she is an only child, the node is still not broken!"
would, I landed on a special school and that only because no one has seen that I had no physical and spiritual problems. After all the visits to the doctors, then, there was a (!) Doctor who recognized the problem. Since I had lost a lot of time and the enrollment approached, I was sent to a kindergarten
language and had me start from 0.
It was the best thing to happen to me! I learned quickly and after another year I decided to teach there, I was immediately in the first Class without pre-school and especially to any special school. From then on, I was a normal girl that was quiet and could be expressed in words, without any furrowed brow, wondering what I give e as strange to me. then

from the school, I had a hard time. I was bullied by two boys
(the faces I have to today do not forget)
lost and more and more self-confident. Up to the orientation stage to let the not! From the second class
I gained weight, what the whole thing did not make it easier. But I have survived and when I came to my beloved school, with all the people with whom I have not even today some contact, I got me my confidence from my good grades and successfully managed my degree. think By today, I would have reacted back then of course quite different. But sometimes I think to myself also, that all his basic
had. Who knows what would have been me or what kind of people I know would have if I'd still hit like crazy for me to express myself as a normal
. I can only say again and again, whether young or old: Let nothing like them!
Say what you think and even if you conceded that. You are independent people you should ban anything. No one is perfect and even a Giselle Bundchen was not then certainly lifted into the sky and praised without end. Either one is too thick, has a crooked nose or is too small and and and. Has helped me in some situations, following sentence so many times:
you attack only one who has the ball! So, I think it goes now for now. :) This was a small glimpse
PS: I just see that this is my 100th entry! :):)


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