Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Make Dickies Pants Shrink

8 [review] Christoph Maria Herbst - BGB (audiobook)

Christoph Maria Herbst - BGB. The best of the Civil Code
3 CDs (total running time 183 minutes)
€ 10.00

If your adolescent offspring has sometimes forgotten, the garbage to bear down, you should take this audio book at hand and play for him § 1619th Very loud!
when their hive is flown - this audio book will help you. Listen to § § 959-964, and you know what to do.
If you have inherited a forest or a mine - Caution!
listen First of § 2123, then they are on the safe side.

The most important (and funniest) of the Civil Code, entertaining, bizarre, and (almost) always useful - read by Jim Carrey.

My opinion
An audio book on the Civil Code? Or the Civil Code as a self-audiobook? Also for me personally and professionally as a legally interested sounded at first but after a yawn. The cheap price and Christoph Maria Herbst as a speaker have let me do strike yet.

The "Stromberg" actor reads on three CDs in just under three hours, a large part of the articles of the Civil Code. Nothing more, nothing less. That a piece of legislation is not exactly the allerspannendste reading, one can imagine. However, are the contents of the articles of the Civil Code, for the most part at the end of the 19th Century are written, and the sound now often quite anachronistic, often a bleak smile (Examples are the paragraphs about bees and the fact that a child's mother is the woman who gave birth to it). Particularly the way in the fall of the paragraph, submits, just like me. One can hear the audio book wonderfully by the way it is good and also good as a sleep aid - what is meant here is positive.

Personally, I recommend the audio book is real, it's just something different. Perhaps one should even think about a setting other laws, such as the Criminal Code. Law students might such readings but almost asleep help you learn by heart.

Rating: this is clear from this very subjective because the audio book is definitely "special interest". 8 / 10.


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